My Training

  • Path of the One Heart School Teacher: Harmoniser & Law Maker

  • Accredited Universal Rays Healing Therapist — Levels I, II, III and Teachers — Energy Healing

  • Certified Instructor for “The Masters’ Way” program — Course work channelled by In’easa Mabu Ishtar

  • Studies in Universal Laws and Creation Principles — Path of the One Heart School

  • Open to Channel — Awakening of the Christ Consciousness — Course work channelled by In’easa Mabu Ishtar

  • Bachelor Degree in Professional Counselling

  • Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and Ericksonian Hypnosis

  • Masters in Organisational Development

  • Bachelor of Science in Business Administration  

Hi there beautiful heart,

My name is Narayana — the Divine within. I hail from Venezuela. In 1994 I made a massive leap of faith to start a life with my beautiful family in Australia and have been leading a life of love, stability and spiritual expansion here ever since.

After many of my own transformational life experiences and developments, I have a strong passion to share my gifts and what I have learnt in the hopes it may provide others a path to becoming the best possible versions of themselves.

Around twenty years ago I was regularly a part of Senior Management meetings, either working for a bank or a large corporation. With a degree in business, I was mostly employed as an Operations Manager.  I never would have imagined the twists and turns my life would take over the following years.

After my decision to migrate to Australia, another significant turn occurred in 2003. I was made redundant in the banking industry and decided to leave it. I took a starkly different direction and chose to study Counselling, Art Therapy, Narrative Therapy, Ericksonian Hypnosis and NLP.

In 2005, I met my Guru — Bhagavan Sri Pranananda and seriously embarked upon my spiritual path which lead me to various metaphysical studies. I completed an “Open to Channel — Awakening of the Christ Consciousness” course, The Masters’ Way 3-year program — a practical self-reflection course for the growth of the soul, release of karma, and exposure to the use of a vast variety of spiritual tools. I also studied the Universal Laws and Creation Principles with the Christed Essene Masters. The power held within these Laws and principles inspired me to become a Universal Rays Healer.

As I write this, I sit here at home and reflect upon my life and all that has transpired. I have undergone so many transformations that shape the person I am now, all of which I am deeply grateful for. One of the biggest realisations I’ve had is that we create our own reality and that ultimately, we have the power to choose how we view or experience our circumstances.

Our reality will always be a perfect mirror of all the energy, consciousness and stories we carry, our life purpose is to understand what we hold — consciousness reflected back to us — so that we can release this (release our judgement of the experience and bring the consciousness back to Divine Truth) and ultimately become an expression of the Divine on Earth. Our journey is one of expansion, one of letting go our limitations, judgments, attachments, expectations, doubts and fears, to created a deeply fulfilling and meaningful life. 

I am in service of humanity by being a Mentor of Love and Wisdom — a group of Divine Channels who’s mission is to uplift the frequency, expand the being and assist all to enlighten through the light in each moment.

Now, the practice of UR Healing (shifting old karmic energy), Harmonic Healings, Self-Love programs, meditation and connecting with my divine presence are major keys in helping me maintain a deep awareness of myself — the source of my power, wisdom and love — to facilitate personal success and growth in all aspects of my life.

My session offering involves healing and mentoring using a combination of techniques I have learnt through my various trainings, the Universal Rays Healing modality and intuited mandala coding to guide others toward these fulfilling realisations and in expressing their truest, brightest selves.