The Twin Flame

The Twin Flame beloved heart is YOU, the Twin Flame is the God Presence that resides in your Heart, in perfect balance, in perfect alignment and it is here for you to come home to, for you to find your way.

Understand that you are a divine being that has come upon the Earth to experience duality, to experience polarity and through this polarity, exploring this polarity, understanding this polarity, come home, come back to your centre and from here be a witness of duality, be a witness of the polarity that is constantly at play in the world and look at it with detachment.

The more you practice this beloved heart the more you come into Unity, the more you come into the Twin Flame of you, the Twin Flame of your God Consciousness.

This is the journey dear ones, the journey into your heart, the journey of enlightenment and ultimately the journey to God realisation.

Part of you knows you are divine bur ALL of you needs to come to this Truth, so you come to this world, where through polarity you experience your attachments and with your work you begin to let go, the more you let go the more you come into who you truly are.

We love you and we bless you now. Namaste.

Our Need to Control

This is the Zerphiana that steps forward to you at this time and joins with you in the light dear hearts. We come to share with you about control and the need you show at times for your life experience to play out in a certain way. We say to you, this is but an attachment that comes from fear, that comes from separation energy, this is not the state of your true being, dear one. This is why it is coming up for you, it is being shown to you so you may grasp the root of your attachment, the root of your expectation. For your light to play out a certain way, for a person to treat you a certain way.

When a person does not treat you the way you wish to be treated it is because there is a part of you that is not in integrity, there is a part of you that holds this consciousness that is been shown to you. It is a simple matter of understanding this dynamic dear ones. Understanding, finding out like a detective looking for clues to identify who the perpetrator is. Likewise, you are to find out which is the limiting belief, what is the distortion that you hold. Then you can let it go, as it does no longer serve you.

Understand dear ones, that these parts of you that hold this energy, do not know how to come back and join with you once more. They are lost and they need to be found. This is why you are being presented with the experience, so you may find this part of you that is lost. This part of you that is sitting in darkness. As you shine the light upon the darkness, all is clear and then you may invite them, and the heaviness you carry around will be no more. And there is a sense of completion, of being more full, as you have found another piece of yourself and you have brought it back into the oneness of who you truly are. No more need for this consciousness, for this separation energy to show up as it is separate no longer. It has been found. It has come back into the oneness of who you are.

Understand that under your need to control there simply lies separation consciousness, in one shape or another dear ones. So be the detective, we say to you and detect what it is that you hold. Detect what it is that you say to yourself over and over that is limiting you, that is distorting your ability to create a life filled with joy, with wonder, with unconditional love, with compassion, with kindness.

We love you and we wish you a happy time detecting. We bless you now. Namaste.


I AM Presence

This is the Zerphiana that steps forward and joins with you at this time beloved hearts.  And we bring with us much light and much love, as these two energies, these two frequencies reside within you and you are to bring balance to both these energies, they are to resonate within you at the same time.  These two frequencies building upon each other to make one singular unique frequency that is yours beloved hearts.  As these two, when they come together, they build upon one another and they bring peace, grace, ease.  They are the calm in your life, they are the always presence that is outside of the constructs of the beliefs of the mind, the part that is with you no matter what.  The part that does not change no matter what clothes you are wearing dear ones.  This part lives beyond you, as it is not singular. 

We invite you to come and connect with this ‘unlimited you’ frequently, regularly, as the more you do so the more the veil, between this ‘unlimited you’ and the ‘you’ that still carries all your unresolved energies, thins beloved one.  This is the part from which compassion raises dear one, this is the part where unconditional love resides, this is the part that embraces ALL that you are.  

This is your I AM Presence, simply I AM as there is nothing beyond the I AM.  It has left behind all that you wear in your third dimensional world, where you have a name, where you have a family or a group to whom you have ties with, where you work.  The more regularly you come and connect to your Divine Presence, your I AM Presence, the easier it will be to bring this into your world, as the veil thins the more you practice dear ones. 

You are here to learn about this subtle balance dear ones, as there is pain and suffering only when you sit in separation consciousness, reliving that what you hold, that you have come to release.  By coming into your I AM Presence, you are able to understand where and what you are attached to, and you are simply attached because you have created this earlier in your life and in different lifetimes, it is always the same energies, you are but to understand what you hold and then once the mystery is resolved, you can let this go.  When you understand the limitations then you may choose to let this go. 

This is why you come to your I AM Presence, as here you come bare, you have let go of all your conditions, of all your attachments, all the hooks that keep you in your pain, in your suffering, in your separation consciousness and little by little you are able to come to your I AM Presence and to bring your I AM Presence into your daily life and live from this space.  Practice this dear ones, regularly dear ones, and when you get distracted, when again you are shown what you hold, be gentle with yourself and understand this is simply how it works for you to become aware of what it is that you hold, of what your old story is about, so you may honour this what you hold and let it go dear hearts. 

Come into your heart and join your Divine Truth.  Know your Divine Truth.  Come, come into your heart and be one with all.  Namaste.


Be a Master Co-Creator

This is the Zerphiana that steps forward and joins in the light with you dear heart.  We come at this time to share with you about control dear ones.  Control comes from fear beloved hearts.  Learn to let go, as in the letting go is the freedom, is the power that allows you to walk upon the Earth in your light. 

Let go of all the constructs of the mind, let go all the limiting beliefs, all the distortions that you have held onto for so long.  These constructs of the mind hold back your Spirit dear ones, as they simply represent the illusion in front of you.  An illusion that is a representation, a perfect mirror of all that you hold.  When you come into your heart dear ones, when you align and you find yourself in balance, you find yourself centred and open, what is then in front of you, but a world of possibilities? A world filled with potential? 

Nothing is defined here and in this place, where you have let go all your constructs, is a place where you simply are.  Here, call upon a potential, embody whatever it is that your soul is asking of you to explore at this time and simply by being this expression, by the simple laws that rule the Universe, this will be your experience. 

You are a Master Creator, are you not? You are here to master your creation powers dear one.  Your creation powers when they are aligned to your divine will.  This is the lesson, this is the mastery, this is the experience and we invite you to have this experience over and over and over until you develop the mastery of being a co-creator with the divine.  Come into your heart, expand your being beyond the construct of the mind.  Let go of all of the illusions and sit in this place of expansion and be a Master Co-Creator. 

We love you. We bless you. Namaste.


This is the Zerphiana that steps forward to you at this time dear one. We come, we come, to teach you, to show you about the potential, the seed that exists in every single being. To come into oneness, to be the master creator of their experience of their reality, this is a simple choice beloved one. It is a choice that requires faith. It is a choice that requires to come into your heart and to let go. Let go of all that surrounds you and come within. From here you have clarity, beloved ones, to know your path, to choose your path. To understand the gifts that you hold, that you have come into this plane to discover firstly and to explore secondly. That you are firstly to embody these gifts, fully embody them, experience them, live them for yourselves and in doing so you will be sharing. The focus is within. There is no need for you to worry about others, simply by focusing on the self, coming into oneness, this is a phenomenon that cannot not be shared. As you step into the field of oneness, as you come home, this shows beloved hearts. Come home we say to you, through your heart there is always ALL that you yearn for, that you look at. Come into your heart and sit and truly understand the potentials, as these are infinite beloved ones. There is so much for you to open to if you so choose to. Come into your heart, open your heart and receive. Expand your senses and realise that you are infinite, and you are eternal.


Surrender & Co-Creation

This is the Zerphiana that steps forward to you and joins with you in the light dear hearts, it is with much joy that we come in deep gratitude.

This is the most auspicious time that you are living, dear hearts.  There is much unrest in the world as this is so, there is as well much opportunity for healing.  As a soul you come onto the Earth with the sole purpose to remember, to awaken, to restore your divinity, dear ones.  This is the purpose of all beings. 

All events, all circumstances you magnetise into your life are solely for the purpose of your God realisation, dear ones.  Your soul orchestrates all the circumstances that are mirrored to you through your life experiences, so you may awaken, so you may understand what you are holding that keeps you in separation.  You may become aware of where you hold distortion, disharmony, disease.  Your journey is simply once you have made this discovery, there is an invitation to surrender.  To surrender all that holds you in separation.  By doing so, by bringing light into the darkness, by understanding what it is that you hold that no longer serves you, you may then give it over, release it.  As the wheel of karma spins for all of us.  When you are simply playing the game, you spin and you spin and you spin over and over and over, reliving your old stories of separation that bring you disharmony, that bring you imbalance, that keep you trapped in fear, in pain, in struggle. 

Be the witness of your experiences, be the observer and know your story, know the old story that is playing out for you right in front of your eyes, the story that is being mirrored to you.  When you are the witness, you now can choose beloved ones.  Once you realise the story you hold, you may choose to let it go and when you choose thus, then you may begin to co-create with your divine presence in oneness, no longer subject to the story, no longer living and reliving over and over your separation consciousness. 

This is the time dear ones to review and look what are the old stories that are still with you.  Look deeply dear one as many of these stories do not serve you any longer.  There are stories where you feel less, stories where you feel small, stories where you are unloved, abandoned, disgraced.  Take this opportunity and shed these stories.  Simply by offering them, give them over dear one.  Let them go, surrender all that is sitting in limitation and open yourself to bring in the new you, now co-creating with your divine presence, fully detached with an open heart.  This is your way dear one and this is the choice that we invite you to make this day, at this time.  Know that the choice is always yours, beloved hearts, this is why you have been given your free will, choose now to align your will to your divine will and allow the divine plan to unfold.

We bless you now.




Beloved hearts, this is the Zerphiana that steps forward to you at this time, joins in your heart, in your being.

Stay in this space beloved heart, come into your heart and live, act, talk, feel from this space dear ones. It is a space of oneness, a space of unity, a space of stillness, there are no doubts, there are no fears, no conditions. As such you are open to receive the highest potential in every moment. There are no filters around you, for it is a place where you have let go, where you are being.

Open to receive dear ones, in full faith, with compassion in your heart. When you are fully anchored in this place, allowing compassion to flow freely through your being, you cannot attract but more compassion. This is the key dear one, when you let go of all that you hold and you fully open to a state of compassion, then there is only compassion for you to experience. Know this beloved ones, choose this, it is simply a matter of choice. Remember, remember who you are. Remember this infinite place in your heart.

We love you.

We bless you.



Learn what you hold

This is the Zerphiana that steps forwards and joins with you in the light, beloved hearts. Have no fear, we say to you, simply accept what is. Come into your heart and from this place you can be the witness, you can observe what the story unfolding in your life is telling you.

You as a master creator being orchestrates all that unfolds in front of you. Your stories are here to teach you, to show you where it is that you hold limitations, dear one. Where it is that you are placing conditions on your experience, where it is that you have or hold a distorted view of life. And the story unfolds in front of your eyes so you may understand this distortion, this limitation, this condition you are placing upon yourself, as this condition no longer serves you, beloved one.

If you have a filter where you see all life as being blue or being pink, then this restricts you from having the full experience of seeing, of feeling, of experiencing the full potential of your experience. Through blue coloured lenses you cannot experience the magnificence of every single colour, everything is muted, everything has a condition set upon it. And how do we know that we are seeing everything blue? Or pink? Or any other colour for that matter? Beloveds, you will know because you will bring into your experience other beings, other circumstances that will cause a reaction, cause an e-motion through your physical being, through one of your energy bodies as when you hold a condition, a limitation, an old story, this is stored somewhere in your energetic being, in your light being, and when you are ready to let this story go, let this condition go, resolve this condition, then it is shown to you.

You create a circumstance where this energy is shown to you, is reflected back to you in the mirror of your life. Take this opportunity, we say to you, if you stay in your reaction, that the circumstance has brought to you, there is no learning, as you are living the story over and over and over. Look at the story from your heart, dear ones, observe the story as if you where in a movie theatre, dear ones and the story is unfolding right in front of your eyes. What is it telling you about yourself? What is your anger about? What is your resentment about? What is your guilt about? Whatever e-motion has been brought to you there is an e-motion you are to listen to as it holds a story. Under this e-motion there will be another story. There will be a belief, a condition, something you have placed upon yourself a long time ago. And this is not allowing you to live, to experience the full potential of what you have come here to experience.

This is the school of life beloved heart. This is the school of life, you are here to learn what you are holding. To honour this experience, to honour all that you are: your shadows and your light. To shine light upon these shadows, so they no longer are disconnected from yourself, so they may, once more be part of ALL that you are. Treat yourself gently, beloved hearts. Accept your ability to show you what it is that you hold by creating a situation in the mirror that is your life experience.

Open your heart to all that you are, so you may become more light, as you become enlightened by all that you hold. By understanding what it is that you are being shown in your life, you allow more light to come into your being and thus become enlightened. Follow your heart dear ones, live from your heart and use your mind to understand what it is that you hold, but live in your heart, with an open heart and understanding will follow. Wisdom will follow and you will become who you truly have come to be.

We bless you now.




This is the Zerphiana that steps forwards to you at this time beloved ones.  We come to you this day to enlighten.  You are a being of light dear heart. When you choose to go upon your way and you are in your busy mind simply doing, doing, doing, there is no Being beloved heart.  In Being there is wisdom, in Being there is expansion.  In Being you have no needs, as you are One.  You are part of the creation flow and as such you may then choose to go into the world from Being, not from doing dear hearts.  When you are in your doing, doing, doing, you are but trapped in the old stories that you carry, that keep coming and showing up and when you are in your doing you simply create the same story over and over and over.  When you step into your Being, you are able to understand your creation, you are able to see, to know what it is that you are holding, what the old story is showing you about yourself.  You are able to see the gift, to hold the gift, to understand, to honour, to accept, to embrace and to let go.  Until such time that you learn that there is a place for doing and there is a place for Being.  Through your Being you understand your doing, but if you do without Being, there is simply doing, doing, doing that leads to re-living, re-experiencing, re-creating old stories and you are lost to the gift.  Only from the Being you can understand, examine and be enlightened.  As the story is illuminated from your state of enlightenment, and then you understand why you have created the story as it shows you where you have created separation consciousness. And when you are shown this separation consciousness you are ready to release it, you are ready to bring it back into the light.  Honour the gift we say to you, honour yourself by finding balance between the doing, doing, doing and BeingBeing means stepping within, opening your heart, sitting in your stillness, in your oneness.  Being connected and from this place, dear ones, you will understand your doing, so we say to you remember this place, remember to stop in your doing, to stop and breathe.  As soon as you stop and breathe you can choose no more doing, you can choose Being.  Choose wisely dear ones, honour all that you are, so you may receive the gifts from your soul and become with every gift more light, more enlightened, more illuminated and more wise. 

Honour all your gifts that are shown to you, through your doing, doing, doing but remember your Being. You are a being of light, so come into the light and be enlightened. Take time for Being, dear ones, take time. We love you and we honour you and wish for you to receive all the gifts at this time. Blessed be.



This is the Zerphiana that steps forwards to you at this time and joins with you beloved hearts. Let us talk at this time of compassion. Compassion is a gift, a precious gift, you are wise to practice this towards yourself. First and foremost you have to be compassionate towards yourself. To understand and fully experience compassion before you can practice compassion towards others. When you truly practice compassion beloved hearts you are fully free. Free of all distortions, free of all limitations, fully present, expanded, enlightened, connected, dear one. The state of compassion is a state where there is no judgement, where there are no attachments, where there are no expectations as all simply is as it is meant to be. Your mind is filled constantly, regularly with thoughts, with beliefs. Look at these as you look at your sky and you see clouds, they drift beloved one, they are not stationary, they are not there to stay, they are simply a phenomenon of air and water and pressure and they dissolve. They are a perfect example for you to follow, let go your thoughts and your beliefs. Simply observe these as they are constructs of your mind, your beautiful mind that serves you so well. But we say to you, you are not your mind beloved one, you are more. The mind serves you and very well it does, but it does not define who you are, how can it? You cannot define a masterpiece, a painting with one simple stroke of the brush or with one colour, it is more, is it not? So are you dear one. The state of compassion is one where you have let go of the business of your mind and you honour what is beyond your mind. You honour the Divine within you, the essence of who you are. By honouring this essence and being reminded who you are, you know you are One with all. When you choose to remain attached to a thought, to a belief, you immediately start to live, breathe and act that belief, that story and it is not who you are dear one. It is simply a story, see it as such and it will set you free. It will set you free to be all that you are, it will set you free to see all potential, no just one. If you follow that thought, that belief there is but one outcome, to play and enact that consciousness of that thought, of that belief, if you let this go, you open yourself to a different potential, to a larger potential. Compassion is a state where you have let it all go, where you have surrendered and you honour and embrace who you truly are beloved one. So give yourself this gift, give yourself this gift in your life. For a minute, for an hour, for a day for a week for your whole life beloved one. Simply choose this again and again and again, in every nano-second, you can choose to be in compassion and to experience the brilliance, the magnificence, the oneness of who you truly are. Honour this truth dear one. Honour this truth at this time and in all times and this shall set you free. We love you and we bless you now. Namaste.

The Code below will help to uplift you to a state of COMPASSION. Repeat the mantra 12 times while gazing into the code.



Blessings of this time

Beloved hearts this is the Zerphiana that comes and joins with you in the light, it is with great joy that we come to you at this time.  A time where you come together with your families, to rejoice, to celebrate.  

This year many of you have to remain at home.  Many of you have been through big initiations, big challenges, feelings of loneliness, feelings of isolation, sadness, anger, grief.  So much has come up for you at this time, but know that you have done a big cleansing for yourself.  Many of these deep seeded feelings were simply flags signaling to you that you held old stories that no longer served you beloved hearts. 

So it was, you could say, a spiritual detoxification and release.  Look at it this way beloved hearts and understand that your soul was heavy, was heavy with some of these shadows, that what you have done by understanding what you hold is bring these shadows into the light and so beloved hearts you have lifted your burdens, you are now lighter. 

Those that have done the work feel now much more freedom as some of these old feelings, these old stories where simply holding you back, keeping you in the darkness.  It is time for you to let go of all these old stories, they no longer serve you, but you had created them so it was only you, it is only you that can let them go.  Some of you understand there is no real need to fully know the detail of these stories.  Simply make it your intent to let it all go, to surrender it as it no longer served you beloved hearts. 

And now with a lighter body you have healed not only your soul but your body as well, because these old stories at times can as well weight in your physical body and in their need to be healed, to be heard, they may cause dis-ease, because they are not at ease beloved hearts, so they cause dis-ease, dis-comfort, to draw your attention to them, so you may observe, understand, accept and then finally let go. 

This is a great time of cleansing beloved hearts, that is why you have been asked to stay inside, to draw inwards, so you may do this work.  This is work that changes your life beloved hearts, as when you walk into your day, into your lives ahead of you, you are less burdened, you are freer and you may expand in many different ways, as you have let go of certain limiting beliefs, of distortions that really were holding you back, holding you down. 

We honour you deeply for this work that has begun and will continue until such time that you are freer to walk in the light. No longer held back by too much density, by too much darkness. Embrace this work we say to you, rejoice! We love you, we bless you dear hearts. Namaste.


The Mirror

This is the Zerphiana that steps forwards to you and joins you in the light, in all that is, beloved hearts.  Your life dear one, your experiences are all but messages, reflections of your soul, of what is held within your being and your soul within its infinite love, orchestrates, brings to you the perfect experience for you to understand, for you to see what it is that you are holding, the consciousness you hold that is limiting you.  This is being shown to you for the sole purpose of you bringing this consciousness / limitation into the light, so you may understand the consciousness that has come for you to release. 

Through the mirror that is presented in front of you, you are to understand a frequency that you hold, and energy that you hold, that is in distortion, as it is not aligned with the oneness in your heart.  By you shining your light of understanding into this experience, you will know what it is that you hold, what belief is limiting you and then you may choose to resolve this beloved hearts.  The experience that you create, that your soul creates is a perfect mirror to what you hold inside of yourself and if you open to receive, truly receive and honour this experience, you may bring it into balance, you may bring it into the light and be enlightened.  And you may understand at this time that the experience that is presented to you will hold a certain energy, you will find, that this energy is not the first time it is playing out in your life, your reaction towards the circumstance/experience will show you what energy is being held.  If you sit with this energy and you ask yourself where in your life, in your past experiences you have lived through, where have you been triggered with this same energy, you will be shown other events in your life where this same energy has been shown to you before.  It is been shown to you, so you may open to the potential to understand it fully, honour and embrace what it is teaching you. 

It is only through you fully embracing this experience and understanding what it is showing you that you can let it go. And you may ask again if there are other experiences that hold the same energy in your past, until you get to an experience in that may be the first one in this incarnation where this energy, this consciousness has been presented to you. For this is what we come into this life to work on beloved hearts, we come to work on our creations that are not aligned to divine truth, these creations have accumulated, life time after life time after lifetime. You come upon the earth so you may understand what it is that you hold and become more light: become enlightened. The shadows that you hold are simply energies, part of yourself that you are not fully aware of and by understanding them, you shine the light upon them and become more enlightened. We are children that come into this plane of duality to explore, to practice our skills of master creators. At times we choose to create while not aligned to our divine will and create in separation. This separation energy that we create can only be resolved by ourselves, as all that has been created by you will have to be resolved by you. So this is why we come, over and over and we create over and over, circumstances that show us what it is that we are holding that is not fully aligned to our divine truth, to our highest potential. So we say to you beloved hearts, choose wisely, as the more you work on understanding and letting go all that you hold, the more grace and the more ease you will bring into your life, as you will be able to remain aligned to divine truth. We bless you, we honour you in all your magnificence, in all your light. Namaste.


Change your mind and change your life!

We wish to share about bringing more grace into your life dear ones.  Know you are a pure creator being and in your creations, your intent is law.  As a master creator being you decide upon your experience, that which you focus upon, that where your thoughts dwell, that where your mind constantly comes to, goes to, that is what you are declaring to the universe that you want more of, this energy, this consciousness.  If you dwell in all the little things that you do not like, that you wish you would not have and you engage here with your feelings of discontent, anger, frustration you simply will magnetise and create more of that where you are at.  So within, so without.  As above so below.  Know this dear ones and use this so you may create what you wish upon.  If your mind is constantly occupied in fear, looking at what you wish to change and dwelling in it, then you will simply attract more of the same.  Like attracts like.  Change your mind and change your life.  It is simply a similar process as when you walk into a restaurant, you look at the menu and you order, you will not be served that which you have not ordered dear ones.  Your surroundings and your experience will show you what you hold.  Focus on gratitude, look at where in your life you feel grateful for.  Look at all the things that you like about your condition and by being in this state of gratitude, of contentment, of feeling at peace, such as you feel when you are satisfied, then the universe looks at you and says: “Oh, this is what you want”, so it sends you more reasons for you to feel that way.  If you dwell onto the bits of your life which you do not like, which you wish to change, the universe simply knows your state if you are constantly angry, saddened, about a person in your life, you are constantly upset about a situation, and you think about it over and over and over, you are attached to it and this attachment then will attract more of the same, because the universe does not understand that you do not wish more of this, it simply knows your state and gives you more, so you may understand where you are at.  What you focus on, you become.  Use your mind, use your thoughts, to attract more of that which you want.  This does not mean you will not attract other experiences, dear ones, but when these come simply understand that they have come because you still hold this energy, you simply hold the frequency of this experience and you are attracting it, so you may balance it within yourself,  once you understand what you hold and you balance this experience and you let it go, so you are not constantly thinking about it over and over and attracting more of it.  Look at the experience and see the gift.  When you see a gift, you feel grateful, thankful, even happy to have a deeper understanding and then by looking at the experiences as though they are all gifts, then you may once again shift and attract experiences where you are at peace with, where you are deeply grateful for, joyous, wondrous experiences.  Be the child, be the innocent child, look at all that happens around you through the eyes of the child.  Be in wonder dear ones, be in joy.  If you choose to constantly come back into being the child you will transform your life.  Where all is precious, all is new and you have the opportunity to become more light, more love with every single experience that comes to you.  And understand the experiences simply don’t come to you, they are orchestrated by your soul so you may understand that which you hold, that which still is unbalanced, that which within you is in separation consciousness so you may bring it into harmony, bring it into divine truth and so you will grow, so  you will become more light and walk along the path of enlightenment dear ones.  So this is an invitation to resolve all that comes to you with an open heart.  An open heart filled with gratitude for all that you are being shown.  So be the child dear ones, be the child and live your life in joy.


Uplift your frequency

We want to remind you this day, to remain centred, to remain observant.  Be the witness in your life.  This is like riding a horse beloved one, you fall of, you get knocked over, you simply hop back on.  There are many distractions in the 3rd dimension.  You have chosen to go through this experience.  Now that you know that you can come back into your heart, it is that simple, you come back into your heart and you allow the light to fill you, you feel the love being infused into every single cell of your being, then from this place you may observe what it is that your fellow brothers and sisters are about.  There is no need to step out of this place.  This place where you are and you will always be fully supported, held.  We understand that at times you get distracted, at times you become unaware and lost, simply know beloved heart that you may come back into your heart simply using your breath and uplift your frequency once more.  It is a very powerful tool your breath, it comes with you, it goes with you and it allows you to transcend your ego mind, as the ego mind is trapped, is trapped in all the stories it still holds.  Old stories based on fear.  Old stories of separation, that you have come to work with at this time.  So there always is the opportunity to do work to balance this consciousness to bring it back to the light, when you are trapped in the ego mind, in the stories that your soul creates for the sole purpose of you to understand and become aware of what it is that you hold.  And there is always the potential to let this consciousness go and allow for more light to come into your being.  As more light comes into your being you are uplifting your frequency dear one.  The more you uplift your frequency the easier it is to remain in your heart.  Be gentle with yourselves, should you from time to time go back into your stories, this is fine, be compassionate towards yourself and remember this is as well the reason for you being on the earth at this time.  You chose this time, times of unrest, times where there is fear, times where there is anxiety and much distortion, but there is much potential as well and the potential can only play out if you come back into your heart.  Should you stay trapped in the story, the story can only repeat itself, the story just holds itself, nothing more.  Listen to the clarion call, to come back into your heart.  Remember, focus on your breath, simply allow yourself to be guided back to your heart, your place of stillness, a place of calmness, a place of oneness.  We bless you now. Namaste, dear hearts.


Karma and Potential

It is of karma that we wish to speak to you today.  We have come to this plane, to this life on this planet, to transmute our karma.  It is not about making right a wrong, this is a distortion of what karma really is.  Throughout our lives our consciousness evolves, as it evolves naturally, it chooses, some choices become truly ingrained in the consciousness until these choices become habits and patterns.  Once a habit or a pattern has been established, a belief will follow.  A belief is an energy you may compare to a smudge on a white cloth.  The smudge is there and will remain there until such time that you look upon it, that you truly understand its nature so you may remove this smudge.  The smudge is there to draw our attention to where it is that this energy is held.  For us to look at.  It is simply an energy that we have accumulated throughout our experiences.  When we come into this incarnation, we forget so to speak of all that we hold, as this is the way of it.  So then our soul orchestrates circumstances, situations, so that we may become aware of what it is we are holding.  What this smudge is about.  As we are all here to become one with the light, this is our purpose, however in our exploration, through our journey through time we have managed to accumulate quite a few smudges, some larger some smaller, they are all there and the only person that is able to remove these smudges is ourselves.  We cannot simply ask somebody else to clean the cloth, this is not how this works.  The only person who can look at the cloth, examine it, clean the cloth, understand this energy so it may be brought back to its true potential is us.  And this is the other side of karma, it is not only about understanding the smudge, it is about knowing that the smudge holds the potential, holds the potential to be removed and holds the potential to become one with our divine truth. Which is, we are light, we are pure light, we are pure love.  Underneath the cloth even if it has a smudge it is still the original cloth.  And each smudge holds the potential for us to become more of the light.  When we bring a smudge back into the light we are more light. When we hold a smudge and we let it go, we are opening to receive more light, to become more light, our frequency is uplifted with every smudge we look at, we understand, we remove.  This is the true blessing.  This is the true reason and the true meaning we come into this life over and over and over.  As there is a constant pull to become one with the light.  How we get there, how many roundabouts, how many twisted ways, it is up to us (as we exercise free will).  So this is what is at play beneath the surface, so know that every time you look at a smudge it is truly a gift of our soul and all other souls that are present so we may become more of what we are, so our true divine nature can be exposed little by little or in big huge leaps. It is up to you.  Be diligent in your journey, in your walk, any missed opportunities will come back to you again and again as your soul knows its true purpose, the ego mind may be distracted in all the comings and goings of the third dimension, but the soul knows and the soul will, again and again and again show you what it is you are holding, as there is always the potential for you to become more.


One Single Breath

The breath is the connection to all that you are.  Through the breath beloved one you can attain enlightenment.  The breath is a spiritual tool that is available to you at any time.  Use your breath to connect with your heart, to expand your heart, to access the mystery that lies within you. 

You can use the breath at any time when your emotions overwhelm you, you use the breath to come back to your centre.  Three deep breaths… Five deep breaths…  Just focusing on the breath… Breathing in and making it your intent to go deep within, breathing out and letting go all the business that surrounds you.  Breathing in and coming back to your centre, breathing out and letting go of whatever has you anchored or pulling you out, distracting you.  Breathing in coming back to your heart, breathing out letting go of all attachment.  Breathing in expanding, expanding, expanding, breathing out letting go, releasing all your distractions, all your judgments.  Breathing in coming back to the place of stillness, this place of calmness, deep within you, like a lake of still waters, a pond full of reflections, a place where you are the witness, the observer of all you have created in the world of duality.  Breathing in coming into a place where you are the silent witness, the observer, breathing out and letting go, letting go of all thoughts, letting go all distractions, letting go all noise.  Breathing in coming into peace, breathing out and letting go. 

The breath beloved one will always bring you back to your centre.  It will always bring you back to all that you are. Bring you back to a place of becoming, a place of understanding without judgement, a place of deep reflection, simply a place of being, a place where you may let go of all your distractions, a place of looking at your shadows, of looking at all the stories that you hold and bringing them back into Divine Truth, as you become less and less attached to them.  This is the power of the breath beloved one. 

With the breath you can infuse your body with Love, you can illuminate all the cells of your being, fill them with Light.  The breath will allow you to have many, many, many choices available to you from this place.  Whether you feel pain, guilt, embarrassment, anger, anxiety, sadness, fear, are overwhelmed, whatever it is that you have magnetised into your life at in any given moment, with the breath you may examine this emotion, you may examine this feeling and understand that it was your choice to feel this way (someone may have pushed a button or triggered you in some way and the choice might be an unconscious one). Your soul’s infinite wisdom created these singular circumstances so you would experience this emotion, in order for you to examine this emotion that was trapped within your consciousness, unresolved until such time you experience it and examine it,  understand its message, the learning that your soul is bringing to you.  Then you may choose again beloved one, you may choose to remain attached to this story, to this consciousness, to this circumstance, or you may choose to let it go, to surrender it, to accept its learning, then simply choose again, now wiser, with more understanding, then choosing to let go and see the gift in what you have magnetised, in what you have created. 

The gift of understanding what it was you were holding and understanding the potential that lies within, always the potential to learn, grow, to expand and to bring the experience back into oneness.  Bring it back to Divine Truth.  This is the magic contained within one single breath.  Use it wisely dear one, use it wisely. 

We love you and we bless you. 




Fear is a human emotion that is rooted in a large number of underlying beliefs and attachments, some of which may be subconscious.  Fear is born of separation consciousness. 

You come into this life for one purpose: to expand your light, to become all that you are.  For the light to expand and shine you are to embrace all parts of yourself, the light and the shadow. Shadows are parts of you that you have yet to bring into the light, their energy somewhat unknown to you.  All your shadows are held in your energy field as they are energy as well.  When you have an experience in your life, that brings about an emotional reaction in you, it is to show you that you hold this energy.  Your soul orchestrates an experience (with other souls), so you may become aware of what it is it holds. This is the Law of Resonance -like attracts like, or the Law of Reflection -the mirror, in action, showing you, giving you a means by which you may acknowledge -identify what it is you hold, to then accept and embrace this unbalanced energy (shadow) to bring it back into the light, bring it back into its divine truth.  Fear is one such energy.

Incarnation after incarnation we come upon Earth to resolve / balance these energies that we ourselves have created at one point (in this life or in a previous one). 

Fear is an emotion that is debilitating at best and crippling at worst.  All humanity holds fears, many of which are unconscious.  There is much benefit to releasing these subconscious / unconscious fears.  By releasing your fears you are working towards becoming all that you are.


Do not Believe or Think… Know!


How do you accelerate the manifestation of your desires? By “Knowing”. What does this mean? Knowing is the key that allows all the possibilities all potential to be housed within you. 

Knowing that a desire, whatever it is, is already fulfilled amplifies the thought of your desire, sends it through your energetic field into consciousness flow and manifests your desire, so that you may stand in receivership of its completion. 

The truth is all things are already yours.  When you know they are, then they are made available to you.  You must understand that the main creator of all that you need is you and your ability to receive what you want.  The way to receive your desires is simply to know what you want and know you are worthy of getting it.  Knowingness is the truth.  It is the origin.  It is your future.  When you speak know it is.  Whatever you want, you can have by simply knowing that you are the creator and that whatever you know and speak must be. 

Remember we have free will, with our daily thoughts, our wandering minds, we execute our free will.  Whatever follows the words “I am” is a powerful decree.  You will attract this as a given. When you speak / think “I am” followed by whatever it is, do this with intent, not lightly at all. 

To illustrate my point I will tell you about my daughter, who was feeling tired from work and anxious to go on some well deserved holidays.  She kept saying to me and to all “I need a break”…  “I want a break”.  She said it so much that I jokingly said to her be careful of what you will attract… and the first day into her holidays, she actually broke her wrist!  She did get a break for sure!

This is called the Law of Creation.  Know, Know, Know. That is all it takes.  Always know. If you say you don’t or you can’t, you never will.

Say you now know.

Think about how much stronger is the statement: “I know I can do…” as opposed to: “I think I can do…”or: “I believe I can do…”

These are the fine-tunings we require to manifest the reality we want.






Why gratitude? What is gratitude really? It is a state of mind and it is exclusive.  You cannot feel grateful and feel at the same time, sad, anxious or depressed.  Think about it.  When you are  -for example grateful to a friend, a partner or anyone, in that moment the feeling is all encompassing an overrides any other emotion or state you were in. 

Some adjectives that come to mind when describing this state are deep sense of satisfaction, a sense that all is well in the world, a sense of contentment and happiness.  Would you not want more of this for yourself? Every day? Most of the time?

This is the huge transformational power of gratitude.

The more we focus on this state, the more we will manifest events, situations and objects in our lives to be grateful for.

Make it a priority in your life. When waking up in the morning, remain in that semi-conscious state.  Examine your life and think of three things you are grateful for.  I am grateful for my home. I am grateful for my next breath. I am grateful for my friend Joanne.  You bring each object / action / person into your mind’s eye and allow yourself to feel the gratitude. Allow all the ‘warm and fuzzy’ feelings totally invade you and allow yourself to be overcome by them. Step into your own private state of gratitude.

You may choose to do the same before going to bed.  I guarantee you, with this regular 3 minutes daily practice you will manifest positive change in your life. You will slowly find more and more situation in your daily routines to be grateful for.

What you choose to focus upon is what you manifest on the Earth in the physical form.  It creates your reality.  We all are co-creator beings…