The Twin Flame

The Twin Flame beloved heart is YOU, the Twin Flame is the God Presence that resides in your Heart, in perfect balance, in perfect alignment and it is here for you to come home to, for you to find your way.

Understand that you are a divine being that has come upon the Earth to experience duality, to experience polarity and through this polarity, exploring this polarity, understanding this polarity, come home, come back to your centre and from here be a witness of duality, be a witness of the polarity that is constantly at play in the world and look at it with detachment.

The more you practice this beloved heart the more you come into Unity, the more you come into the Twin Flame of you, the Twin Flame of your God Consciousness.

This is the journey dear ones, the journey into your heart, the journey of enlightenment and ultimately the journey to God realisation.

Part of you knows you are divine bur ALL of you needs to come to this Truth, so you come to this world, where through polarity you experience your attachments and with your work you begin to let go, the more you let go the more you come into who you truly are.

We love you and we bless you now. Namaste.