The Mirror

This is the Zerphiana that steps forwards to you and joins you in the light, in all that is, beloved hearts.  Your life dear one, your experiences are all but messages, reflections of your soul, of what is held within your being and your soul within its infinite love, orchestrates, brings to you the perfect experience for you to understand, for you to see what it is that you are holding, the consciousness you hold that is limiting you.  This is being shown to you for the sole purpose of you bringing this consciousness / limitation into the light, so you may understand the consciousness that has come for you to release. 

Through the mirror that is presented in front of you, you are to understand a frequency that you hold, and energy that you hold, that is in distortion, as it is not aligned with the oneness in your heart.  By you shining your light of understanding into this experience, you will know what it is that you hold, what belief is limiting you and then you may choose to resolve this beloved hearts.  The experience that you create, that your soul creates is a perfect mirror to what you hold inside of yourself and if you open to receive, truly receive and honour this experience, you may bring it into balance, you may bring it into the light and be enlightened.  And you may understand at this time that the experience that is presented to you will hold a certain energy, you will find, that this energy is not the first time it is playing out in your life, your reaction towards the circumstance/experience will show you what energy is being held.  If you sit with this energy and you ask yourself where in your life, in your past experiences you have lived through, where have you been triggered with this same energy, you will be shown other events in your life where this same energy has been shown to you before.  It is been shown to you, so you may open to the potential to understand it fully, honour and embrace what it is teaching you. 

It is only through you fully embracing this experience and understanding what it is showing you that you can let it go. And you may ask again if there are other experiences that hold the same energy in your past, until you get to an experience in that may be the first one in this incarnation where this energy, this consciousness has been presented to you. For this is what we come into this life to work on beloved hearts, we come to work on our creations that are not aligned to divine truth, these creations have accumulated, life time after life time after lifetime. You come upon the earth so you may understand what it is that you hold and become more light: become enlightened. The shadows that you hold are simply energies, part of yourself that you are not fully aware of and by understanding them, you shine the light upon them and become more enlightened. We are children that come into this plane of duality to explore, to practice our skills of master creators. At times we choose to create while not aligned to our divine will and create in separation. This separation energy that we create can only be resolved by ourselves, as all that has been created by you will have to be resolved by you. So this is why we come, over and over and we create over and over, circumstances that show us what it is that we are holding that is not fully aligned to our divine truth, to our highest potential. So we say to you beloved hearts, choose wisely, as the more you work on understanding and letting go all that you hold, the more grace and the more ease you will bring into your life, as you will be able to remain aligned to divine truth. We bless you, we honour you in all your magnificence, in all your light. Namaste.
