Change your mind and change your life!

We wish to share about bringing more grace into your life dear ones.  Know you are a pure creator being and in your creations, your intent is law.  As a master creator being you decide upon your experience, that which you focus upon, that where your thoughts dwell, that where your mind constantly comes to, goes to, that is what you are declaring to the universe that you want more of, this energy, this consciousness.  If you dwell in all the little things that you do not like, that you wish you would not have and you engage here with your feelings of discontent, anger, frustration you simply will magnetise and create more of that where you are at.  So within, so without.  As above so below.  Know this dear ones and use this so you may create what you wish upon.  If your mind is constantly occupied in fear, looking at what you wish to change and dwelling in it, then you will simply attract more of the same.  Like attracts like.  Change your mind and change your life.  It is simply a similar process as when you walk into a restaurant, you look at the menu and you order, you will not be served that which you have not ordered dear ones.  Your surroundings and your experience will show you what you hold.  Focus on gratitude, look at where in your life you feel grateful for.  Look at all the things that you like about your condition and by being in this state of gratitude, of contentment, of feeling at peace, such as you feel when you are satisfied, then the universe looks at you and says: “Oh, this is what you want”, so it sends you more reasons for you to feel that way.  If you dwell onto the bits of your life which you do not like, which you wish to change, the universe simply knows your state if you are constantly angry, saddened, about a person in your life, you are constantly upset about a situation, and you think about it over and over and over, you are attached to it and this attachment then will attract more of the same, because the universe does not understand that you do not wish more of this, it simply knows your state and gives you more, so you may understand where you are at.  What you focus on, you become.  Use your mind, use your thoughts, to attract more of that which you want.  This does not mean you will not attract other experiences, dear ones, but when these come simply understand that they have come because you still hold this energy, you simply hold the frequency of this experience and you are attracting it, so you may balance it within yourself,  once you understand what you hold and you balance this experience and you let it go, so you are not constantly thinking about it over and over and attracting more of it.  Look at the experience and see the gift.  When you see a gift, you feel grateful, thankful, even happy to have a deeper understanding and then by looking at the experiences as though they are all gifts, then you may once again shift and attract experiences where you are at peace with, where you are deeply grateful for, joyous, wondrous experiences.  Be the child, be the innocent child, look at all that happens around you through the eyes of the child.  Be in wonder dear ones, be in joy.  If you choose to constantly come back into being the child you will transform your life.  Where all is precious, all is new and you have the opportunity to become more light, more love with every single experience that comes to you.  And understand the experiences simply don’t come to you, they are orchestrated by your soul so you may understand that which you hold, that which still is unbalanced, that which within you is in separation consciousness so you may bring it into harmony, bring it into divine truth and so you will grow, so  you will become more light and walk along the path of enlightenment dear ones.  So this is an invitation to resolve all that comes to you with an open heart.  An open heart filled with gratitude for all that you are being shown.  So be the child dear ones, be the child and live your life in joy.
