Uplift your frequency

We want to remind you this day, to remain centred, to remain observant.  Be the witness in your life.  This is like riding a horse beloved one, you fall of, you get knocked over, you simply hop back on.  There are many distractions in the 3rd dimension.  You have chosen to go through this experience.  Now that you know that you can come back into your heart, it is that simple, you come back into your heart and you allow the light to fill you, you feel the love being infused into every single cell of your being, then from this place you may observe what it is that your fellow brothers and sisters are about.  There is no need to step out of this place.  This place where you are and you will always be fully supported, held.  We understand that at times you get distracted, at times you become unaware and lost, simply know beloved heart that you may come back into your heart simply using your breath and uplift your frequency once more.  It is a very powerful tool your breath, it comes with you, it goes with you and it allows you to transcend your ego mind, as the ego mind is trapped, is trapped in all the stories it still holds.  Old stories based on fear.  Old stories of separation, that you have come to work with at this time.  So there always is the opportunity to do work to balance this consciousness to bring it back to the light, when you are trapped in the ego mind, in the stories that your soul creates for the sole purpose of you to understand and become aware of what it is that you hold.  And there is always the potential to let this consciousness go and allow for more light to come into your being.  As more light comes into your being you are uplifting your frequency dear one.  The more you uplift your frequency the easier it is to remain in your heart.  Be gentle with yourselves, should you from time to time go back into your stories, this is fine, be compassionate towards yourself and remember this is as well the reason for you being on the earth at this time.  You chose this time, times of unrest, times where there is fear, times where there is anxiety and much distortion, but there is much potential as well and the potential can only play out if you come back into your heart.  Should you stay trapped in the story, the story can only repeat itself, the story just holds itself, nothing more.  Listen to the clarion call, to come back into your heart.  Remember, focus on your breath, simply allow yourself to be guided back to your heart, your place of stillness, a place of calmness, a place of oneness.  We bless you now. Namaste, dear hearts.
