

Why gratitude? What is gratitude really? It is a state of mind and it is exclusive.  You cannot feel grateful and feel at the same time, sad, anxious or depressed.  Think about it.  When you are  -for example grateful to a friend, a partner or anyone, in that moment the feeling is all encompassing an overrides any other emotion or state you were in. 

Some adjectives that come to mind when describing this state are deep sense of satisfaction, a sense that all is well in the world, a sense of contentment and happiness.  Would you not want more of this for yourself? Every day? Most of the time?

This is the huge transformational power of gratitude.

The more we focus on this state, the more we will manifest events, situations and objects in our lives to be grateful for.

Make it a priority in your life. When waking up in the morning, remain in that semi-conscious state.  Examine your life and think of three things you are grateful for.  I am grateful for my home. I am grateful for my next breath. I am grateful for my friend Joanne.  You bring each object / action / person into your mind’s eye and allow yourself to feel the gratitude. Allow all the ‘warm and fuzzy’ feelings totally invade you and allow yourself to be overcome by them. Step into your own private state of gratitude.

You may choose to do the same before going to bed.  I guarantee you, with this regular 3 minutes daily practice you will manifest positive change in your life. You will slowly find more and more situation in your daily routines to be grateful for.

What you choose to focus upon is what you manifest on the Earth in the physical form.  It creates your reality.  We all are co-creator beings…