
Beloved hearts, this is the Zerphiana that steps forward to you at this time, joins in your heart, in your being.

Stay in this space beloved heart, come into your heart and live, act, talk, feel from this space dear ones. It is a space of oneness, a space of unity, a space of stillness, there are no doubts, there are no fears, no conditions. As such you are open to receive the highest potential in every moment. There are no filters around you, for it is a place where you have let go, where you are being.

Open to receive dear ones, in full faith, with compassion in your heart. When you are fully anchored in this place, allowing compassion to flow freely through your being, you cannot attract but more compassion. This is the key dear one, when you let go of all that you hold and you fully open to a state of compassion, then there is only compassion for you to experience. Know this beloved ones, choose this, it is simply a matter of choice. Remember, remember who you are. Remember this infinite place in your heart.

We love you.

We bless you.

