
This is the Zerphiana that steps forwards to you at this time and joins with you beloved hearts. Let us talk at this time of compassion. Compassion is a gift, a precious gift, you are wise to practice this towards yourself. First and foremost you have to be compassionate towards yourself. To understand and fully experience compassion before you can practice compassion towards others. When you truly practice compassion beloved hearts you are fully free. Free of all distortions, free of all limitations, fully present, expanded, enlightened, connected, dear one. The state of compassion is a state where there is no judgement, where there are no attachments, where there are no expectations as all simply is as it is meant to be. Your mind is filled constantly, regularly with thoughts, with beliefs. Look at these as you look at your sky and you see clouds, they drift beloved one, they are not stationary, they are not there to stay, they are simply a phenomenon of air and water and pressure and they dissolve. They are a perfect example for you to follow, let go your thoughts and your beliefs. Simply observe these as they are constructs of your mind, your beautiful mind that serves you so well. But we say to you, you are not your mind beloved one, you are more. The mind serves you and very well it does, but it does not define who you are, how can it? You cannot define a masterpiece, a painting with one simple stroke of the brush or with one colour, it is more, is it not? So are you dear one. The state of compassion is one where you have let go of the business of your mind and you honour what is beyond your mind. You honour the Divine within you, the essence of who you are. By honouring this essence and being reminded who you are, you know you are One with all. When you choose to remain attached to a thought, to a belief, you immediately start to live, breathe and act that belief, that story and it is not who you are dear one. It is simply a story, see it as such and it will set you free. It will set you free to be all that you are, it will set you free to see all potential, no just one. If you follow that thought, that belief there is but one outcome, to play and enact that consciousness of that thought, of that belief, if you let this go, you open yourself to a different potential, to a larger potential. Compassion is a state where you have let it all go, where you have surrendered and you honour and embrace who you truly are beloved one. So give yourself this gift, give yourself this gift in your life. For a minute, for an hour, for a day for a week for your whole life beloved one. Simply choose this again and again and again, in every nano-second, you can choose to be in compassion and to experience the brilliance, the magnificence, the oneness of who you truly are. Honour this truth dear one. Honour this truth at this time and in all times and this shall set you free. We love you and we bless you now. Namaste.

The Code below will help to uplift you to a state of COMPASSION. Repeat the mantra 12 times while gazing into the code.